Digital Privacy

Solomon Brown
2 min readOct 19, 2021
Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash
  • Digital privacy is important because a lot of your personal information is on the internet for everyone to see. If this information gets in the hands of the wrong person they may be able to harm you. They may be able to also use this information to take things from you. For example a stalker might be able to look up your address and go to your house and stalk you.
  • Based on varying opinions shared in the Pew Research Center report about algorithmic influence, what do you think: Will the overall effect of algorithms be positive for individuals and society or negative for individuals and society?
  • Based on the opinions in the Pew Research Center report about algorithmic influence I believe the overall algorithms will be negative for society. According to an anonymous quote from the report “Better-targeted delivery of news, services and advertising.” This hits on the targeted bias to different people based on geographics. For example during the election democrats and republicans were shown propaganda that would support their party based of information advertisers had.
  • Something I learned that surprised is the amount of people that do not read the terms of service contracts. I learned that this could be a dangerous thing. You are basically giving away your information and agreeing to do so. According to NPR News, “What we did is we went to the extreme, and we included this — a firstborn clause suggesting that if you agreed to these policies that as a form of payment, you’d be giving up a first-born child. And 98 percent of the participants that took the study didn’t even notice this particular clause.”

