Digital Culture

Solomon Brown
2 min readSep 29, 2021
Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Age has been formerly considered a predominant factor in the successful engagement with digital technologies and the Internet because as technology advances young people are exposed to these technologies earlier than what older people are used to. I think that this is what makes young people “digital natives”. Some assumptions made about these digital natives are that all of them have access to various digital platforms and/ or have the skills needed to be digitally literate. Not all of the younger generation can be grouped into this category because not all of them can use it to their full potential for effective learning (White & Le Cornu, 2011).

I think that these assumptions are accurate depending on the geographical location you are talking about. For example, in America I would say that most, almost all of our young generation are digitally literate and could be described as residents of the online world. If you look at a 3rd world country most of the time they cannot fall under this category. This is what I believe to be the tension associated with generalizing the younger generation. I believe it to be necessary to teach critical digital literacy skills as it concerns safety.

I would consider myself a digital native as well as a digital resident. I am a 20 year old college student who uses an iPhone and Macbook computer on a daily basis. I also am a part of and use various social media platforms. I am able to use technology to effectively learn and gather information. I think that being a digital resident and resident in the online world is a great way to explain myself in the online world.

